24 november 2015 - Product News
A precursor in the area of modern design, Profils Systèmes has completed its offering of exclusive colours with a new range of effects: mineral with Pierre de Lune, Cristal de Roche and Fossile, metal with Oxyde de Feu and Laque de Laiton and wood with Bois Cannelle and Bois Cendré.
With Terres de Matières, 7 new shades have been added to the 400 exclusive shades offered by Profils Systèmes:
These new shades are available in Qualicoat Class 2 lacquer which comes with a 25-year warranty from Profils Systèmes.
To introduce this new Terre de Matières range to individuals and professionals, Profils Systèmes has just created three new selling aid reference tools: