Naturally following on from its environmental commitments, Profils Systèmes, the French eco-affirmative manufacturer of aluminium joinery, takes continual actions directed at improving its energy performance, as a result of which its roll-out of an energy management system has been ISO 50001 certified. Keeping tight control over its energy consumption and implementing energy efficiency and security criteria are objectives set by this joinery range manufacturer based in France’s Hérault department, and its efforts have been duly recognized by this certification, awarded on 25th July, 2023.
Profils Systèmes, specialist of Made in France aluminium joinery, has been awarded the “Cradle to Cradle” certificate for its Cuzco® hinged & sliding and Tanagra® curtain wall aluminium joinery ranges.
Profils Systèmes Guadeloupe, the Caribbean joinery specialist, launches its ready-machined service and now offers its clientele of joiners and installers bespoke products as well as ready-to-machine products.
Profils Systèmes, specialists in made-to-measure aluminium joinery, can provide you with a free entry badge for BATIMAT 2017, with extra badges for up to five other people from your company. And you can order them in just a few clicks!
The digital, enriched version of our architectural and art of living magazine Signature#3 is freely available from the App’Store and Google Play. Download it and set off on your voyage of discovery of Profils Systèmes’ joinery ranges (curtain walls, aluminium windows, sliding bays, verandas, pergolas) showing their use in truly exceptional architectural designs.
Profils Systèmes, which often wins innovation and design awards for its aluminium joinery, has been nominated for two prizes at the EquipBaie 2016 Innovation Trophy competition (15 to 18 November 2016, Paris Porte de Versailles). Don’t wait to find out which two of Profils Systèmes’ latest innovations have been short-listed for an award out of more than 61 products presented.