01 december 2013 - Profils Systemes News
It is with a real mixture of pride and pleasure that the Profils Systèmes management and every trade union in the company have jointly put their names to a day-off exchange scheme in support of seriously ill or injured employees’ children.
The purpose of the agreement is to allow employees to donate hours or days (up to one day or 7 hours per year) to another employee whose child is seriously ill or injured.
It's something that can happen to anybody, and that's why Profils Systèmes wanted to organize a supplementary leave facility to allow those in need to take special care of their seriously ill children.
This facility comes as a welcome addition to the 3-day child illness allowance and places solidarity firmly at the core of the company.
Now, as soon as he or she has used up all previous leave entitlements as well as the solidarity allowance, an employee can also claim an additional absence allowance that the company makes available:
The employee will also have the choice of taking a shorter period compensated at 100%, it being understood that the overall cost of the absence may not exceed the maximum amount allowed for the period.
This is a solidarity initiative that French TV was only too eager to put the spotlight on. So far, 45 days have been donated by the Profils Systèmes staff in just 2 months.